Use the Pomodoro Method for your study session.

Use the Pomodoro Method for your study session.

25-minute work sprints are the foundation of the Pomorodo Technique, but this practice also includes three rules for making the most of each interval:

  1. Break down complex projects. If a task requires more than four pomodoros, it should be broken down into smaller, doable steps. Adhering to this rule will help ensure clear progress on your projects.

  2. Small tasks go together. Any task that requires less than one Pomodoro should be combined with other simple tasks. 3. Once you set up a pomodoro, work until it rings. The pomodoro is an indivisible unit of time and cannot be broken, much less if it is to check emails, team chats or text messages. You should take note of any ideas, tasks, or requests that come up to come back to them later


Homeworks, projects, and exams
